It isn’t the end of the road …
To mark World Perimenopause Day, it is the perfect opportunity to talk about this increasingly common condition.
Perimenopause is the term used to describe the transit towards menopause. The perimenopause usually starts for women between the age of 40-50, and lasts for approximately 4 years, but I have treated women as young as 32 with perimenopausal symptoms.
Any number of symptoms can present during this time but the keynote is usually irregular periods, or a change in flow or duration. Of course, if you have always experienced irregular periods, you may not notice a particular change here. The irregularity is the result of fluctuating oestrogen (and progesterone) levels, but always ending in a peak in oestrogen again (whereas in menopause the peaks become ebbs, with a gradual lowering of female hormones generally).
Some other common symptoms of perimenopause are:
- Insomnia (from bladder weakness, hot flushes, aches & pains)
- Mood swings
- Change in usual PMS symptoms
- Hot flushes
- Change in libido
- Female dryness
- Digestion problems
- Weak bladder
- Memory problems
- Allergies
- Weight gain
- Hair loss or thinning
- Cholesterol levels can increase
Easing your way into menopause
While I do not wish to minimalise the experience of some women during the perimenopause and menopause – and I see many women who are flawed by the symptoms experienced – I do think there is a case to reframe our viewpoint on what are, essentially, transition points in women’s lives. The younger you are, or the bigger and more troublesome the symptoms are, the more your body is yelling at you that it needs your help. The thing is, we are born with free choice and it is up to us if we listen to our body, or carry on as we are, taking long term, synthetic medication to enable us to do that.
Perimenopause and menopause are viewed by western society and medical science as conditions of lack (of hormones), from which viewpoint the sole approach can only be topping up those hormone levels. But it is a paradigm borne out of a reductionist mindset:
Lack = need more of. Too much = need less of.
But what if we were to view perimenopause and menopause as intelligent, even essential adjustments, made by your body, which only ever works in your best interest 24/7, 365 days per year.
The perimenopause and menopause are a natural progression towards a new chapter in your life – to be welcomed, embraced even, rather than shunned, avoided and ‘managed’ … that would set women up for a completely different experience of what is considered to be a real problem. Of course, this viewpoint is easier said than done in a world that celebrates youth over experience and wisdom, girl power versus gentle humility, fight versus acceptance. And there are entire industries devoted to keeping you feeling as disempowered and removed from this natural process, and they won’t go away quietly. You can see why so many women fear ‘the change’. But change is essential if we are to grow, remain in equilibrium and be true to ourselves.
The body has innate wisdom and knows what to do. The problem is we often get in our own way, trying to continue with ‘business as usual’, living in the fully connected lifestyle we try to sustain, unyielding and perhaps even unaware of the seasonal changes going on inside and outside of us. Nothing stays the same – i.e., day/night; the seasons; the weather; our cells. Change is an essential part of life but, as creatures of habit, we like things to remain the same because we like familiarity.
During my 20 years’ experience, I see the price people pay for not working with their body’s natural rhythms. We’ve become so busy and distracted from our natural biorhythms – and those of nature – that we can’t read the signs that our body is giving us. Whatever your symptoms, they are always a messenger from your body rather than the problem itself. My skill is interpreting those messages and giving a remedy similar to the symptoms you are doing, to help your body overcome its current obstacle.
There are numerous natural remedies to treat hormonal fluctuations which gently address and ease the body’s current obstacle to health and balance, rather than enforce ebbing levels of hormones back to how they were with synthetic (including ‘bio-identical’) versions.
How does Sleepability help?
Homeopathy has a long track record in treating hormonal imbalance with many remedies to choose from to fine tune treatment to your unique expression of symptoms. My approach will also include helping you to reframe the way you think about your condition, as an effective approach to managing your symptoms. I recommend clients read around the Three Principles (3Ps) which is relevant on so many levels today. You can read more here – The 3Ps.
By combining expert case taking, homeopathic remedies, natural nutrition and relaxation techniques, I’ve helped hundreds of people during my 20 years of experience with diverse hormonal conditions and the associated pain, metabolic, anxiety, depression and panic attacks. The use of safe, effective natural remedies proven to help symptoms that are similar to those experienced by you. This is a completely different approach to the ‘one size fits all’ approach of conventional medicine.
Homeopathy: the ‘Roots & Branch’ approach

As a Homeopath, I view symptoms as messengers from the body that something is out of synch, versus being the sole problem. While the named condition is useful, the person experiencing the symptoms is most useful in arriving at a bespoke remedy for that person.
By gently resolving any causative factors, for example, birth complications, trauma and medication, your baby can come off of ‘red alert’ meaning the stress hormones will reduce to restore harmony in your baby’s hormone system, to include Oxytocin, the hormonal security blanket and anchor in his or her new world.
My ‘tools of the trade’ have remained unchanged to those used by Homeopaths for over 200 years: what worked then, works now. I love my Repertory (book of clinical symptoms) and Materia Medica (book of remedies) with which I match my client’s symptoms with the remedy produce similar symptoms in other people.

Why not contact me for a bespoke consultation to identify the best remedies and relaxation techniques for your unique symptoms?
My top tips for a healthy perimenopause
There is much you can do for yourself before submitting to long term medication which will falsely boost fading hormone levels.
Look after your gut! Hormones are produced in your gut, and is why a healthy microbiome also helps your sleep (it is where Melatonin is made). 1 Help balance your gut flora on a daily basis by:
eating plain kefir yoghurt, kimchi, brined veg, sauerkraut to feed your healthy gut flora
Eat a variety of fibre, fresh fruit & veg, plant based foods, pulses, wholegrains, quality protein
Avoid processed foods, and drink water to keep your gut hydrated and able to cleanse itself. Following these tips will help your hormone levels, sleep and, in turn, many about all of the symptoms listed above. You can read my gut health blog or check out my 15 minute video.
Exercise gently on a daily basis. Aim for 20 minutes daily exercise as a minimum – walking, cycling, swimming, yoga 2 . This will help build up bone density which can also reduce with fluctuating levels or oestrogen (which is linked with lowered levels of calcium). That’s why it’s important to eat organic bio yoghurt, or even better – start taking kefir daily – and green leafy veggies which are the best source of absorbable calcium for us humans.15 minute video.

Kegel’s/pelvic floor exercises. To support your uterus, bladder, small intestine and bowel, which change as we approach menopause, start practising pelvic floor/Kegel’s exercises. To identify your pelvic floor muscles, stop urination in midstream. Once you’ve identified your pelvic floor muscles you can do the exercises in any position (sitting, standing, lying). Repeat 10-15 times, two to three times daily. Breathe normally and try not to hold your breath while doing these exercises.
NB: do not practice this while urinating as it can lead to urine retention problems.
Vitamins & Minerals. If mood swings or depression are a problem at this time, start taking a B vitamin complex, and especially B6, as it is a vital precursor that helps make serotonin, the happy hormone. 3 Medical evidence has highlighted that Magnesium supplementation is effective in the prevent of dysmenorrhea (painful periods), PMS, menstrual migraine and general menopause symptoms. 4 This is because it helps the parathyroid glands – which produce hormones – function normally with sufficient amounts of Magnesium.
If you are not taking antidepressants, you might want to consider the supplement “Positive Outlook” which is a convenient combination of Tyrosine, B vitamins and 5HTP, another precursor to serotonin.
You can order your supplements from the Natural Dispensary via Sleepability and benefit from a 10-15% discount off of their RRP. Contact me for more details of how to claim your discount.
Lavender Pillow Spray. Lavender is the No.1 essential oil to promote sleep and reduce anxiety. A couple of sprays on your pillow will work wonders to promote sleep. I love and recommend the award winning Neal’s Yard Organic Lavender Pillow Spray. Order from my website here for home delivery and receive a free ‘thank you’ gift from me for all purchases over £15.
Epsom Salts. These amazing magnesium rich mineral salts promote relaxation at a cellular level. Add a handful of Epsom Salts to a warm (not hot) bath. Soak for 20 minutes. If you don’t have a bath, soak your feet for 20 minutes in a bowl of warm water with 1 tablespoon of Epsom Salts. Make this natural, cheap and effective Magnesium-rich remedy is a therapeutic store cupboard essential.
To mark World Menopause Day on 18 October, you can benefit from 25% discount off of all my packages for bookings made until 31 October 2021. Contact me today and start your journey to wellness. See my Sleep Packages for more information on how I work with clients on a bespoke basis.
Sleepability acknowledges your health is paramount and recommends you update your GP
and always seek medical help if you have any concerns.
Homeopathic treatment does not replace emergency medical care.
If you, or someone you know, is struggling with sleep, why not check out my Top 7 Tips – the journey to natural sleep?
Invest in your rest. Because sleep matters.
1 Li et al, 2018: – ‘The role of the microbiome in insomnia, circadian disturbance and insomnia –
2 Cramer et al, 2018: “Yoga for menopausal symptoms-A systematic review and meta-analysis” –
3 Mikkelsen, K et al, 2016: “The Effects of Vitamin B in Depression” –
4 Parazzini, et al, 2017: “Magnesium in the gynecological practice: a literature review” –